Tender Is the Flesh Ending Explained
Its a better book in my opinion with better character and theme development and its a bit hard not to imagine Tender is the Flesh. In Bazterricas dystopian world all non-human animal meat has become inedible as all non-human animals have contracted a virus and have been largely culled from the world. Tender Is The Flesh Wikipedia Adored by the townsfolk is Richard Shanti Abyrnes famous bolt-gunner the most efficient slaughterhouse worker in living memory. . First it was reported that an infectious virus has made all animal meat poisonous to humans. A vegan inlaw tried to explain to me once how going vegan will save the planet by reducing carbon emissions. Thats the question that award-winning Argentine author Agustina Bazterrica ultimately asks in Tender is the Flesh. In this dystopian future meat from other animals is no longer edible because of a virus that like the novel coronavirus is of zoonotic origin. But the meat i...